6/16/24 Willoughby Hills, OH – Ambulance Stolen From Hospital – Firefighter/Paramedic Jumps Into The Ambulance To Subdue Suspect – Ambulance Crashes Into Helicopter Landing Pad – Suspect Taken Into Custoday

Man arrested after stealing ambulance from Vanderbilt

June 16, 2024


Sunday morning, a Willoughby Hills Fire Rescue ambulance was stolen from University Hospitals Lake West Medical Center, according to the Willoughby Hills Fire Rescue.

Around 10:30 a.m., the ambulance had arrived at the hospital to exchange a used drug box when it was stolen from the emergency ambulance ramp, authorities said.

As crews were exiting the hospital following the exchange, they noticed a man getting into the passenger side of the vehicle before sliding over to the driver’s side and driving away, authorities said.

“Oh man, someone is trying to steal our stuff! I just didn’t want to be the fire department on the news for having their vehicle stolen,” said Brian Paladino, Willoughby Hills firefighter/paramedic.

Paladino sprang into action, jumping into the open window on the driver’s side of the ambulance and subduing the man, authorities said. Paladino took the steering out of the man’s hands.

However, due to his efforts to maneuver the vehicle, the ambulance jumped a curb and crashed into the helicopter landing pad at the hospital before coming to a halt, authorities said.

Paladino’s partner and hospital staff were able to secure the man until the Willoughby Hills Police Department was able to arrive and take the man into custody, authorities said.

“This could have been very dangerous, this could have had a very bad ending,” said Willoughby Police Det. Lt. John Begovic.

Paladino sustained a minor ankle and arm injury, and the ambulance had moderate damage, authorities said.

The man, who was not a hospital patient, sustained no injuries, and the building itself also had no damages, authorities said.

The Willoughby Hills Fire Rescue said although instances like this are not common, it will be evaluating ways to secure ambulances when they are unattended.

“Anytime someone makes the extremely poor decision to steal a public safety vehicle, is putting themselves and everyone around them at risk,” Fire Chief Robert J. Gandee said. “Thankfully, the quick heroic actions of Firefighter/Paramedic Brian Paladino averted a potentially more disastrous scenario.”

Gandee said the department has already started looking into technology that would secure their vehicles.

The suspect was arraigned in Willoughby Municipal Court Monday morning on the following charges:

  • 1-Count of Robbery (F-2)
  • 1-Count of Auto Theft (F-4)
  • 1-Count of Disrupting Public Service (F-4)
  • 1-Count of Misconduct at an Emergency (M-1

He’s currently being held in jail in lieu of a $50,000 bond. He has a court appearance on June 20.

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